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We see our wide range of team sessions as instruments to enrich teamwork, connection and engagement.

They boost creative thinking, evoke the senses, spark new ideas and spice up the system!

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Wood Carving

During our woodcarving session you will learn all basic skills you need to carve your own unique spatula, spoon, scoop, butterknife or coffeecup. Next to that we will boost your tree-knowledge! 

Duration: from 3 hrs - full day

Group size: max 25 p.p. session

Season: year through

Corporate Tribe Art

During this session we will guide you in creating, building and presenting a sculpture that will stand for your teams ambition, vision and factors of success!

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

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Street Art

We combine 'Action Painting' and 'Street Art' where it is all about following your intuition. Expressing your thoughts in a fast way by painting them on the canvas. There is an artist in all of us!

Duration: from 45 min - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through


Do you love plants? Love 50 shades of green? Create your own terrarium also known as a Green Eco System. A tiny fertile world in a closed jar of glass. 

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

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Tree Knowledge

We take you on a sensorial trail walk along the world of trees. After attending you will experience the forest in a different way than before! 

Duration: from 45min - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

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Art Class

In this Art Class session visual artist Rombout Oomen clears up your idea, waters and prunes the woods of imagination. You might be left with a richer and fuller perspective on how things, your things, go.

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 50 p.p. session

Season: year through

Night Photography

In this workshop you will discover the secrets of night photography in a hands-on photography workshop.  We will explain all the settings you use best to make beautiful night photo's.

Duration: from 2 hrs - half day

Group size: max 10 p.p. session

Season: fall, winter

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Coffee Roast & Brew

It's the drink where we all gain our best ideas from; Coffee, good coffee!

Master Roaster- and Brewer Tewis Simons takes you along a storytelling- and tasteful Coffee journey. 

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - day

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

Tiny House Scale Model

We will explore the impact of 'home' or 'office' in a person's life. We think outside the box and talk about our ideal way of living and what kind of house would fit this way. Together we will design a (tiny) house and build a scale model.

Duration: from half day - day

Group size: max 15 p.p. session

Season: year through

Foraging & Goose

Learn more about foraging for edible plants or learn how to transform a dead goose into delicious food. This is a beautiful step in knowing where your food comes/can come from.

Duration: from 2 hrs - half day

Group size: max 15 p.p. session

Season: year through

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Deadwood Fish

All you need is some driftwood or dead- tree-branches. We combine a forest- or beachwalk with creative making. You will be excited about the Deadwood fish you just made!

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - full day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through


Explore, taste, smell, and discover the edible plants, trees, and mushrooms. Gather the finest ingredients and back at the fire pit, combine them with other fresh ingredients to create a lunch.

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

Design a Light

A creative session with switching on the light as a final result! From abstract lights made with wood and plexiglas to a more natural look, we offer a wide range of light giving possibilities!

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

Geometrische houtkunst The Maker Session
Geometric Wood Art

The ultimate team construction assignment! Create a piece of art in 3D from restwood with the use of an awesome collection of construction tools!

From concept to design!

Duration: from 1,5 hrs - 3hrs

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

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Champagne Tasting

Experience a champagne tasting focused on independent winegrowers, known as vignerons indépendants. suitable for all champagne lovers who want to learn and taste everything while enjoying the full wine tasting experience.

Duration: from 1 hr 

Group size: max 50 p.p. session

Season: year through

Ski Building

Design and create your own full customized ski with a beautiful real wooden top layer of choice. Your best compagnon on the slopes and an iconic piece of art on your wall!

Duration: from 2 days

Group size: max 6 p.p. session

Season: year through

Schermafbeelding 2020-03-17 om 13.33.12.

During this session you discover how to make a beautiful stamp from an ordinary eraser. Children's and Picture book Illustrator and stamp maker Gertie Jaquet guides you through the whole process.

Duration: from 2,5 hrs - half day

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

Bamboo Skipoles

Create your own set of skipoles from Bamboo. Vintage thirties meets modern style! Choose your grips and baskets. Customize them with your own color design and stand out from the skicrowd.

Duration: from 1,5 hrs 

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

Up Cycling

From plant- and spice racks to bicycle wall mounts. PET, glass bottles and bottle crates are well suited for a second life!

Duration: from 1 hr - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through


Always wanted to be a Lumberjack and know more on how to prepare your firewood? Tree knowledge, wood splitting techniques, and all skills on how to make the perfect fire, indoors and outdoors.

Duration: from 3 hrs - half day

Group size: max 30 p.p. session

Season: year through

Voice Class

Making your voice work for you!

When you find the skills of this beautiful instrument you can add so much to the message you’d like to bring or the music you want to sing.

Duration: from 2 hrs - half day

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

Smartphone Filming

The best camera is the one you have with you, your smartphone! Discover how to make and edit spot-on short films that will make you stand out of the masses.

Duration: from 2 hrs - full day

Group size: max 20 p.p. session

Season: year through

Nature Photography

Combine photography with being outdoors and learning something about nature during a photo walk. No long theoretical stories but practically working with outdoor photography.

Duration: from 2 hrs - half day

Group size: max 10 p.p. session

Season: year through

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