We are a community of MAKERS; live experience designers, storytellers, trainers and true craftsmen. We pride ourselves in designing and hosting bespoke team experiences with content that truly resonates.
We aim to bring people together, we build tribes, create shared experiences and spark new ideas.
Founded by Stijn van Oss
We have created an original mix of team experience programs and individual maker sessions and offer a vibrant mix of professionals to work with. From live experience designers, hand-crafting artisans, outdoor professionals, captivating speakers, visual storytellers, and kitchen guru's, ... to inspiring entrepreneurs, coaches and trainers.
For those...
organizations who are driven to shake up the system. Keen to get their teams moving, energized, skilled and working together, towards their highest potential.
training bureaus, event agencies and conference venues who want to add some spice to their itinerary.
lifestyle and adventure brands seeking support in brand activation, experiential marketing and product engagement.
schools who want to invest in their teachers and management by spicing up their teamwork, share creative thinking and who are longing to be ignited with inspiring program content.
When you want to bring the human connection back into your business and boost creative thinking! We’ve seen a growing demand for corporate teams to get together in real time with real people. Taking a break from the digital workspace. We offer resonating experiences and sessions that are especially designed on enriching and (re)building teams.
Why us?
We practice what we preach and are leaders in our field. Besides owning our craft, we want to share and expand. Growing a community and inviting people to make art, working with your hands and spend more time outdoors. And we love human connection.
Keeping things real
While we do have the capacity to serve big groups, big isn’t always better. We believe in creating an intimate setting where participants can really be present. Allowing space to connect, grow and share quality time together.
Tailor-made programs
We listen … make inventory, then get to work with designing a bespoke program matching your requirements. What’s your focus? Your definition of adventure? What season suits you best? Seeking a balance between team development, down time and adventure learning.
Where feasible we like to integrate local flavors and seasonal ingredients. And mother nature is a beautiful thing throwing all kind of beauty in the mix.
The Netherlands
We work throughout The Netherlands where we offer a varied selection of (exclusive) venues to host our programs and sessions.
We have a good working relationship with Staatsbosbeheer allowing access to the unique forest grounds. Nothing beats an overdose of fresh air.
Outside The Netherlands
For our 48 and 72hr Performance Adventures we also offer super powerful (and tested) venues in Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Germany and Belgium.
Onsite delivery
Many of our individual sessions are adaptable and mobile, allowing them to be delivered onsite at your office or conference venue.
If you don't have your own location or have specific requirements, we’re more than happy to help find a suitable venue.
We’re always on the lookout for unique locations so please reach out if you have cool sites to share.