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Chilo Oostergetel

Content Creator - Up-Cycling Artist

Chilo Arfica - foto Eppo Karsijns.jpeg

As a filmmaker for documentary, corporate work as well as commercials, I combine my daily work with creative handicrafts; I fiddle, kneed and mess. Wood, metal, plastics, paper...anything that I find lying around. And I share. I share my experience in filmmaking and my knowledge of storytelling, my creativity and happy mood. 

For as long as I can remember, ever since early childhood, I spent more time out- than indoors. Growing up amidst water, meadows and sand dunes, close to the sea, I enjoy -no, love- taking a deep breath of air, lavishing myself in light. Sunshine or rain, warm or cold, I feel at home both on the windy open flatland of The Netherlands, as well as the boiling deserts in Northern Africa. Or the slums in a busting city for that matter. Being a people person, I enjoy the company of others.

Coffee, Syrup, a small song.

Campfire, stories, a local beer.

Together, smiles and laughter, a great feeling.

That's me.


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